As night falls we gather reflect where we've seen Christ
Download PDFWe follow the Revised Common Lectionary. Most services include a reading from Hebrew Scriptures, a Psalm, an Epistle and a Gospel Reading. Followed by a sermon or time of reflection lasting usually no more than 15 minutes (depending on the preacher)
We celebrate Holy Communion/ Holy Eucharist every Sunday. We hold a sacramental theology that says that the elements of Bread and Wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
The Prayers that we use both Rite I (Traditional Language- Thees and Thous) and Rite II (Contemporary Language- You and Your) will be familiar to Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, ELCA Lutherans, and many other liturgical traditions.
All baptized people are ministers of the church; we call this order of ministry the laity or lay people.
There are also people ordained as Deacons, Priests, and Bishops. Deacons are called to be the bridge between the church and the world. Our Deacon sets the table, proclaims the Gospel and leads our outreach efforts. Priests preside over the sacraments of Holy Eucharist, Baptism, Confession, Marriage, and Funerals. Bishops ordain, confirm, and oversee the life of the Diocese.
There are two sacraments and five sacramental rites in The Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church baptizes any person who wants to be adopted into the Body of Christ the Church. We baptize in the name of the Holy Trinity (Father Son and Holy Spirit) and use the symbols of water and oil to represent the grace of God in the liturgy.
There is no need to be "rebaptized" because we believe in one faith and one baptism .
The Episcopal Church confirms the faith in us with the sacrament of Confirmation which is celebrated by the Bishop.
Confirmation often is offered for teenagers, but adults are welcome to be confirmed in The Episcopal Church if they were not previously confirmed in another tradition.
If you have previously been confirmed you can join the Episcopal Church by being received into the denomination by the Bishop.
Adults can also re-affirm their Confirmation vows at any time when a Bishop is present.
The Episcopal Church offers the sacrament of reconcilliation of the penitent. An individual can schedule an appointment to meet with the priest to hear their confession and offer absolution. We also have a General Confession offered during most worship services. The general understanding of Confession in the Episcopal Church is that none must, some should, and all may partake in this sacrament.
The Episcopal Church recognizes marriage as a covenantal promise between two consenting adults. To be married, a couple needs to complete premarital meetings, one partner must be a confirmed Christian, and the priest must meet with the couple to discuss the additional requirements.
You can apply to be married at St John's by filling in this inquiry form.
The Episcopal Church has liturgies for the burial of indviduals who are professed Christians and those whose faith is unknown. If you would like a funeral service at St John's you can preplan your service with the priest, or a family can contact the parish to make arrangments after an individual has died.
You can fill in a "Funeral Plan" online here
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We hope that you will find a home here.
We are part of The Episcopal Church in The Diocese of New Jersey.
We are both protestant and catholic.
The Book of Common Prayer (1979) is the basis for our worship.
Come and experience how we pray, and you will begin to know what we believe.
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